WORKING GROUP REPORT: Racial Dynamics in the South African Legal Fraternity
A key aspect of the South African General Counsel for Diversity and Inclusion (SA GC for D&I) initiative is the creation of working groups to facilitate comprehensive and multi-stakeholder conversations around critical themes linked to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) within the South African legal fraternity.
These working groups discuss topics proposed and voted on by members of and partners to the initiative. Each working group is tasked with using the discussions to create an output intended as a public-good resource for those wanting to enhance DEI.
This document is such an output and we encourage readers to share it with others in the South African legal fraternity who may benefit from its content.
This particular document is the fruit of the collaborative efforts of the Racial Dynamics in the South African Legal Fraternity working group, which started in late 2023 and concluded its work in early 2024. The SA GC for D&I gratefully acknowledges the efforts of all of those who took part in these working group discussions and thanks their organisations for allowing them the time to do so.
The discussions within the working groups adhere to the Chatham House Rule, ensuring the anonymity of individual contributors to the dialogue. For further information or to become part of the SA GC for D&I and its current or future working groups, visit